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Welcome to Guelph Moms and Co

First of all I want to say WELCOME and thank you! It has been a crazy ride to get to this place but Sue and I are excited and ready to see what is in store. Our goal for Guelph Moms and Co is to offer educational, fun programs for Mommy and her company.

We are not Momstown but we are going to offer any Momstown members who had months left on their membership some sort of credit. We are working hard to figure this all out so we hope that you will be patient with us.

After a lot of debate we decided to change to registered programs instead of one membership. We want to be able to monitor numbers and for members to know when they attend an event they will not be the only ones. This allows us to really create some quality, educational programs that will provide social and physical development.

We are here to listen and if you have any suggestions or ideas, Sue and I are looking to make some changes and give you what you are looking for.

We are so excited for this venture and have loved spending time with all of you and your families and hope that it can continue in the future, but we will need your help. We need everyone to spread the word and to hopefully support our new way of running programs.

We will have open, free events to the public every once in a while as well as some larger events but that is all down the road. Please like us on facebook, twitter and instagram as we all know how important social media is to businesses now and we need your support if we are going to make this work.

Thank you again for all of your encouragement and support. Hopefully we will see you out at an event soon!


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