It's getting HOT out there!
Getting others wet is just as much fun as an adult as it was as a kid…get your minds out of the gutter people…I’m referring to water balloons!!! My kiddos love water balloons! Really, who doesn’t? But the problem is, I cannot seem to fill them up as quickly as they throw them! Also, the clean-up is never fun. I am constantly finding pieces of balloon all over the yard. Worried some little munchkin would find a piece of balloon and choke on it was always in the back of my mind. UNTIL…I found the coolest DIY water bombs on Pinterest. I put these together with my kids in about ten minutes, and we have had weeks of fun with them! I picked up some multi-coloured sponges at the dollar store, cut them into strips lengthwise and got the kids to pick four-six each. They pinched them together in the middle and I simply tied the pieces together with some old yarn I had laying around the house. Super simple.
Check out the link!
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Here is more of what Carly has to say about her blog!
My hope with this blog is to share some of the things I have learnt along the way. I am a mother of three wild boys, a four year old in junior kindergarten, and twin two year olds at home. I also run two home based businesses, am a wife, house keeper, dog owner, dinner maker, laundry do-er, lunch packer, choco-holic, daughter, sister and friend. That is a whole lot of stuff to juggle with just two hands! Since my twinnies were born I have been searching for balance. Searching for breathe. Searching for a way to stay afloat. Yet I am determined not to let any of these things go, and for some reason keep adding more to my plate! Each of these pieces is just as important as the last, and put together they make me who I am. In my search I have found many things that have helped me out a lot and wanted to be able to share them with others who may be feeling the same way I was. Drowning and overwhelmed. What an aweful feeling. It wasnèt (dammit, the è is back!) until somebody made a comment along the lines of you just don’t seem to be enjoying any of this, that I stopped in my path and vowed to make a change. I want to be the happy person, the smiling person, the girl people can go to if they need uplifting. Not the grumpy I-hate-my-life-and-these-bratty-kids-and-I-only-wear-sweatpants woman! No way was I going to be her! So I hope to fill this blog with everything I found in my search for positivity, happiness, and balance. Along the way I will also share some of the ridiculous daily occurances, the crazy things I will never forget that my children say, andsome fun pictures. Because really, that is what it is all for. My beautifully amazing children and every wonderful day!
Dream HUGE and KNOW that you WILL get there! So no fear. It CAN be done! You CAN have it all! I would like to show you how you can do this, yet still enjoy it along the way! We all have goals in life, but to really succeed I believe you have to enjoy the journey, not just the outcome.