A Week Away From My Kids: Weird, Awesome and Surprising
Every now and then I need to take a break from family life. My Kids are 3 and almost 5 years old. Mommy needs time to herself...a few days without responsibilities. That is what I am doing. I know most of us feel guilty leaving kids in our partners care( especially because my husband told me prior to leaving, how difficult it's going to be without me) or in someone else's care. But I know the end result will be good for all of us. They will develop a stronger bond with their dad, or grandparents and will be exposed to new/ different ways of doing things. What about benefits for me? I just need some me time. Relaxing and no responsibilities for another human for a moment. Spending time with my family. I read that taking time away, can have a positive impact on my parenting. Huffington post named a few reasons, why it's being healthy to be away once in a while: It's refreshing to hear people say your name, because it helps you remember that you're an individual, too. Space is invigorating. When was the last time, you did something for yourself? Whatever you wanted, when you wanted? It's important to show your kids identity. It's good for them to know, that their parents are individuals, too with their own wants, needs and passions. This is the beginning of teaching kids about the concept of identity. It makes you a better parent . After honouring yourself for a while, you'll feel a sense of peace. When you return to parenting, you will feel re-energized. The reunion will be grand. It will make you feel thankful, and you actually missed them. You look at each other anew and focus on all the things you love about each other. The quality of your interactions, when you reconnect will be much better. So mommies out there; for the sake of your own sanity, if you can't get away, schedule an hour and do something just for you!