You Are What You Eat
If you follow our blog, then you saw that last week we had a guest post by Sarah Bester (CNP) who is a Family Nutritionist and Picky Eating Coach. She talked about starting babies on solids or choosing baby led weaning.
It got me thinking about my family and nutrition.
As parents, we worry about everything. But I find myself talking about food with other parents almost as much as I talk about sleep! Sometimes it’s just HARD to try to keep up with little ones needs, especially when they are picky eaters, which seems to be pretty common.
I’m pretty lucky that my husband is a very healthy eater, so he has been a good influence on me. I never particularly enjoyed cooking, so when I was in university my go-to meals were sandwiches, perogies, chicken nuggets, pasta, and frozen veggies. I barely ate any fruit or veggies and I just wasn’t interested in cooking. I’m pretty embarrassed to admit that! And the weird part is that my mom is an AMAZING cook and also loves (mostly) healthy food, so you think a little of that would have rubbed off on me.
So when Ryan (my husband) and I moved in together, I really didn’t have much of choice but to learn to cook and to start eating healthier again! And I’m so glad now.
We really do try healthy as much as we can (though I am not one to turn down pizza or a poutine). But I find especially now, after having Logan (my son), I am so much more aware of what I eat, what I eat in front of him, and what I feed him. Don’t get me wrong, there are days that I just give him the Mum Mum crackers if he’s being extra picky and I just want him to eat something, but for the most part I make more of an effort overall. My husband also enjoys cooking (and I’ve learned to… “like” it!), so it helps that it’s not all on me to make every single meal for us. Sometimes we get in a bit of a rut where we make the same few meals all the time, and that is when I turn to Pinterest for inspiration!
We have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to quick, easy, and (mostly) healthy meal ideas for the family, so be sure to check that out!“