How to Work Out With a Baby
Pre pregnancy I worked out 6 days a week. It was a non-negotiable for me. I made it a priority because I knew how beneficial it was. It gave me energy. It made me make better choices in terms of eating. My clothes fit better. I slept great when I worked out. All positives. During pregnancy I continued with my workouts. I modified when necessary but still did something almost everyday. I remember doing a Shaun T workout in my basement the day before I went into labour! Fast forward to my postpartum journey. I couldn’t wait to get back into my workouts! At 6 weeks postpartum I got the go ahead to start exercising again. I was so excited. For awhile I was really strict about it. It was easier to do because my daughter Charlotte was so little she would lay on the floor and sleep. It was a great opportunity for me to have “me time” in the morning
Around 6 months postpartum Miss Charlotte started to crawl. My workouts consisted of 1/4 of actually working out and 3/4 me chasing her keeping her safe. After a few days of that I began to get frustrated. This “me time” wasn’t actually for me anymore. I am ashamed to admit it but I stopped working out. It gave me anxiety thinking about doing it even tho it was something that was so important to me for my physical and mental health. I would do workouts randomly when I felt like it, which was very rare. Around 10 months postpartum Charlotte started to walk. Then she started to run. It became even harder to control her. I was exhausted from chasing her all day and once again put my workouts on the back burner. It wasn’t until she turned a year that I realized I needed to put myself first for 30 mins a few times a week. It didn’t matter what time it was but it needed to happen. I have chose first thing in the morning because that works for me. I workout in my basement with at home workouts. I recommend Pop Sugar Fitness, Fitness Blender & Bikini Body Mommy. They are all FREE and you can search them on YouTube! Investing in a set of weights and a workout mat is highly recommended!
Long story short I have created a list of ways to fit in your workouts whether you want to do it with baby or without!
If you are looking for alone time I recommend setting your alarm and getting up before your baby does. It sounds crazy but one of my mom friends told me she did it and man it WORKS!
Have your partner watch your child while you workout. I workout in my basement so it’s easy. I don’t even have to leave my house!
If you are a member of a gym use the daycare service. That is what it is there for.
If it’s hard to get up before baby (and by if I mean when it’s hard haha) I recommend using a playpen. Put a few toys in there and let your baby watch you! Watching Mommy workout is entertaining for your little one! If your baby is smaller use a blanket on the floor.
Sometimes it’s fun to include your baby in your workout. As long as your baby can hold their neck up you can use them as a weight! It is fun and super effective!
Working out should be FUN. Believe me when I tell you chasing a baby around when you are trying to exercise is challenging and stressful. As Moms we want our children to be safe and that is our #1. It is hard to focus on ourselves and our own well being when we are worried about someone else’s. Put yourself FIRST. Even if it’s a few times a week. You will not regret it!