Drowning in Artwork
I think I am a supportive parent and I love to encourage my children to explore the arts whether it be music, dance, drama or visual...
Naturopathic First Aid: Top 5 natural remedies to use when dealing with common ailments at home
We have another special treat, guest blogger Dr Katie Thomson Aitken gives some great advice on natural first aid. She joioned both of...
Tips for nap time.... precious nap time
We have a special treat Erica Eugenio, sleep expert from Slumbertime Sleep wrote a blog all about naps and I know we can all use a little...
It's getting HOT out there!
Getting others wet is just as much fun as an adult as it was as a kid…get your minds out of the gutter people…I’m referring to water...
My Love/Hate Relationship with Tofu
Most people when being confronted with Tofu either love it or hate. I don't think there is an in between...the texture is either too...
Are you a Helicopter Parent?
Are you a Helicopter Parent? I had a chat with a mom the other day and she confessed that she was a helicopter parent and her goal this...
Is Your Child Ready to Stay Home Alone?
So your child has hit the age where they are allowed to stay home and want to, but are they really ready? Are you really ready to leave...
Summer Crafts for Rainy Days
Summer is here and it can be tricky to keep your little ones busy at home especially if it happens to be a not so great day outside. I...
Cupcake Ice Cream Cones
I have to say like most people now a days when I am looking for something fun and unique to do I hop on Pinterest to get inspired. I have...
Welcome to Guelph Moms and Co
First of all I want to say WELCOME and thank you! It has been a crazy ride to get to this place but Sue and I are excited and ready to...